Droplet on Leaf

Sanghas (sitting groups)

  • Louisville Zen Group Weekly sittings in the tradition of Rochester Zen Center - Roshi Philip Kapleau
  • Louisville Vipassana Community: Insight Meditation Weekly sittings, introductory classes and day-long and weekend retreats.
  • Louisville Community of Mindful Living Zen in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. Weekly sitting groups, regular Day of Mindfulness practice and some longer trainings.

    Meditation Centers and related training in Louisville:

    Other excellent resources outside of Louisville:

    Group Sitting

    • Goenka Vipassana- 10-day courses offered around the world - donation only. Nearest center is just outside of Chicago. An excellent way to deepen your practice and connection with the body in a very tight and supportive container.(note: know that you don't have to devote yourself to this particular tradition or any of it's dogma to benefit from 10 days of intense practice.)
    • Integral Zen - courses offered around the US and some in Europe
    • Spirit Rock - Jack Kornfield's center in California
    • Insight Meditation Society - Joseph Goldstein, center in Barre, Mass